About the Uniform Law Foundation
The Uniform Law Foundation (ULF) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that was established in 1990 to support the study, research and development, and educational activities of the Uniform Law Commission (ULC). The ULC, now in its 125th year, provides states with non-partisan, well-conceived and well-drafted legislation that brings clarity and stability to critical areas of state statutory law.
The predominant portion of the ULC’s funding comes from state dues, which are prudently allocated to support core organizational functions. The ULF provides supplemental funding to the ULC so that it is not solely dependent on state appropriations.
The demand for uniform laws remains strong, while the ULC’s need for stable and supplemental financial resources continues to grow. Conversely, state appropriations have not kept pace with the ULC’s financial needs, and have become more tenuous as states are often forced to shift limited funds to other budgetary items from year to year.
Since its inception the ULF has distributed more than $390,000 in grants to the ULC for various projects and needs. As the ULF’s unrestricted endowment fund grows through the generosity and support of our donors, the amount of funding available for important ULC projects will likewise continue to grow.

Mission Statement
The Uniform Law Foundation is dedicated to the guiding principle that uniformity of state law, on all subjects where uniformity is desirable and practicable, contributes to the general welfare of the citizens of the United States (1) by facilitating commerce, (2) by increasing understanding of and respect for the laws of the states and (3) by assisting the citizens of the states in their pursuit of the benefits of a free society.
In furtherance of its guiding principle, the Foundation promotes uniformity of state laws by making funds available for study, research and development, and educational efforts, carried out by, or in support of the activities of, the Uniform Law Commission (ULC). When making direct grants or loans to the ULC, the Foundation supplements the funds provided to the ULC by its constituent governmental entities and other sources.
Tim Schnabel
Elizabeth Cotton-Murphy
Trisha Farrell-Cox
Message from the Chairman
The Foundation’s primary function is to provide financial assistance relating to uniformity of law in the United States – and elsewhere throughout the world where uniformity would be helpful.
“Assistance” has come in a variety of forms, from acquiring the office condominium unit in Chicago to house to ULC staff to funding the ULF Scholars program (which provides the ULC with issue identification and scholarly research on potential Uniform law subjects.) The Foundation has also made grants to the ULC to cover the costs of technological improvements (such as the ULC website and membership database) and the History project.
The ongoing generosity of donors requires special mention. Many donors are Uniform Law Commissioners who – in addition to donating their time, experience and knowledge to help improve the laws which govern us – also willingly open their checkbooks, transfer securities, designate the Foundation as a beneficiary of life insurance and retirement benefits and name the Foundation in their estate planning. Other donors have recognized the benefits of the efforts of the Uniform Law Commission and make financial and in-kind contributions. Many, many thanks to all of you.
We are very proud of the Foundation’s donor tree which now adorns the reception area in the ULC’s Chicago office. Please stop by to view it. Photographs are also available. It’s one small effort on our part to acknowledge our donors – and to encourage others!
As Trustees, we take seriously our responsibilities and appreciate your guidance and assistance. The Foundation passed a major milestone during the year when the unrestricted endowment exceeded $5,000,000. We are very proud that we have reached that target, and eager to move onto the next!
Howard J. Swibel, Chair
Edwin E. Smith, Marti T. Starkey, Michael Houghton, Steve Wilborn, Charlie Trost